Mentions légales


This website is owned and published by SCALENE PARTNERS SAS
a société par actions simplifiée with a share capital of 30,000 euros (the “Company”)
registered with the court registry (Registre du commerce et des sociétés) of Nanterre under number 830 765 996
and whose registered office is located at 9, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris (France).
VAT number: FR79830765996
Email address:
Phone number: +33 1 83 96 85 68
Publication manager: Simon Eischen
Website creation : figue, agence digital créative
Host : Webflow

Intellectual property

The content of this website, including images and sound recordings, belong to the Company and is protected by the applicable intellectual property rights legislation.

The users of this website acknowledge that, without the Company’s authorization, any partial or total reproduction, publication on a third party website, or use, of any of its content, even modified, may result in the Company or its beneficiaries initiating judicial proceedings against them.

The protected content of this website covers its textual and visual content, as well as its structure, its name, and its graphic layout.
Any total or partial reproduction of the Company’s logo realized using the content of this website, without the Company’s prior authorization, is forbidden, in accordance with Article L. 713-2 of the French Code de la propriété intellectuelle.
Any hypertext link leading to this website must be previously approved by the Company.

Information provided to the users of this website

This website provides general information about the Company. Information contained on this website do not constitute, and are not meant to constitute, investment advices, offers or solicitations relating to the acquisition of securities or the provision of investment management services to any person and in any jurisdiction where such solicitation would be prohibited, or to any person to which it would be illegal to make such a solicitation.

Links to external websites are only provided to make the use of the website by the users more convenient. External websites linked directly or indirectly to the website are not controlled by the Company. Consequently, the Company will not be liable for the content published on these websites.

Personal Data

The users are notably informed that, in accordance with Article 32 of Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, data files and civil liberties, as amended, the information provided through the forms contained in this website are used by the Company to answer the users’ requests or questions. The Company is the sole recipient of the information provided by the users. However, such information may be communicated to third parties for the sole purpose of complying with legal obligations. Information provided by the users will be kept for a duration of three years.

In accordance with the above mentioned legal provisions, the users may access and rectify their personal data, as well as instruct the Company on the treatment to be given to their personal data in case of death. Users may exercise these rights by contacting the data controller, i.e. Simon Eischen (email address:

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